Sunday, March 18, 2007

Monday and Tuesday of Spring Break

Monday and Tuesday of Spring Break our church and the Methodist Church did a 30 hour famine with our youth. They went from noon on Monday until 6pm on Tuesday without eating. K said they drank about $200 worth of gatorade, juice, and broth. They spent the night at church. It was a lock-in without food. smile. The Methodist came up with this idea cause you know Baptist and their food I was proud of my girls. Sh went longer than K due to an orthodonist appt. I did it with the kids even though I was home with Sp. On Tuesday the kids did service projects for the city, and collected money and can goods for the hungry.

Sh and I were able to see Billy the Kid's grave. She is wearing her t-shirt from the 3o hour famine in the picture. They said this is the third head stone. People keep taking them - imagine.


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