Snow White Goes Country
Monday, June 22, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Scripture Memory

(The pics are from the Daddy Daughter Banquet at our former church earlier this spring.)
We are doing Experiencing God at our church on Sundays. Since we haven't moved yet due to the remodeling of the parsonage we have a 45 minute to hour drive. We have been using this time to have the girls share their memory verses. The other day I had them text them to me. smile. It is so important that we help them hide God's word in their hearts. I will not always be with them; but the Holy Spirit can bring it to rememberance. The younger 2 girls are also learning verses about unity and brotherly love every time we start to have verbal issues. smile. At first I was weary of the drive; but now I see it as a blessing of family time for us. I will always remember Ephesians 4:32 as one of the first verses I could say as a child. Mom would make us say it every time my sister and I had issues with each other. That verse was said so many times it will forever be implanted on my heart.- I never have to review it. smile. Sometimes at night when I can't sleep, I start with Genesis and say every verse I have memorized and then move on to the next book. I never make it to Revelation before I fall asleep. One thing I have noticed is that I can't say a verse from each book of the Bible. Maybe I need to work on that. Can you? One lesson we had a camp when I was in Junior High was about living in a closed country with no Bibles. The only Bible you have is what you have memorized. They put us in groups and gave us time to write down every verse we knew by memory. Needless to say our"Bible" wasn't very big. That has always stuck with me and I have used that illustration several times through the years as I teach junior high girls' Sunday School. I try bribing etc to help them learn verses. They may do it for the prize; but I hope the greater prize is that one day that verse will be recalled by the Holy Spirit to help them in their time of need.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Secret Place

Isaiah 45:3
I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.
This is my favorite place in our yard. Lately it has become a place of preciousness to us and our girls. A time of fellowship and a place of tears; it holds precious memories. We want to take the swing with us; unfortunately we can't take the tree.
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Pink Hair

2 Oldest girls left for camp yesterday. K had to have pink hair. Sh opted for clip in pink hair. We dropped the girls off and were getting to ready to go to the new church when another painful spasm hit again. The weekend had been bad with pain and blood; but Sunday had been good. Just one time of painkillers. He preached on a stool using a heating pad. We were so frustrated. Back to Waco we went to have xrays done. They are clear. The doctor just said to remember that K's surgery had been more than he usually does. The stone was big and stuck and he really had to work. His bladder area was still traumatized and would take a little longer to heal. Thank God for adapters in the car and heating pads since our heated seats aren't hot enough. Thank God for the man had the Honda place who wired my protective plate on under the car til we can come back and have it replaced. (I didn't pay attention and tried to drive over a parking place bumper) oops~~~~~~~~ been dragging the protective plate around with me. AT least I made the service people at honda smile and laugh. It was a little harder with the girl who collects your money and make appointments for follow ups. She actually cracked a smile when I said that we were getting to see each other so much it looked like we were going to be friends. I'll see you next week.( actually it was a cracked smile that said who is this crazy lady?)
Don't when it started; but I try to make people smile. It has become a game for me. The harder they are to crack the more ammunition I try to pull out. There could be worse hobbies.
Monday, June 01, 2009
What God is teaching me
In years past God has given me a word for the year. One year I concentrated on "secret Place", another year "dwell". This year I am working through God's love for me and the attitude Joseph had coupled with the verse that our fight is not against flesh and blood. I see the direction God is moving me, but not all pieces revealed. Learning and searching. I have been blessed beyond all measure by the sweet church family we have been united with. I eagerly await to see us fulfill the purpose God has for us.
This last week of May 2009

I have blessed and I have been overwhelmed this week. K was honored with 5 academic awards at the high school academic awards banquet. Sp was honored with an award for reading at her award assembly. Sh graduated from 8th grade and received the history award. I have also taken my husband to the er twice. Once on our 20th anniversary ( in sickness and in health). I have led music for bacaulearte of the new school my children will attend next year. My mother - n- law and grandmother - n- law are also in the hospital. I have chased after a MIA student and watched an ambulance transfer my husband to a larger hospital for surgery. I experienced two fire alarms in the hospital while my husband was going to get xrays. I am now awaiting the removal of a stint on Thursday. I have missed 2 days of work and had to work today to finish up. My husband has been in a total of 3 different hospital rooms this week. Sp had gymnastic awards. K has been to Austin and her OAP won 1st runner up at state. I have been blessed by my family and friends who have stayed with me and driven the distances with me. My new church family who has been so precious to us. We are blessed.
Monday, May 04, 2009

We are on our way home from a long weekend. Thirty minutes from home I receive a text message from my child in the backseat. I'm driving. "Mommy, I am so sorry. Please don't be mad." I texted yes while driving "what". "My retainers are in a napkin back at the restaurant" Now at least an hour a way. I turn down the volume of the movie and voice it out loud. Now Daddy knows. She texted me in the driver's seat, Kelly was in the seat behind me and she was in the back. Like he wouldn't find out. smile. We called information to get the restaurant's number. The manager was sweet and tried to find it in the trash. Nothing. We called and order the retainers today. One of those I really am a mom moment. Thankfully I responded calmly and with love. Thank you Lord.